

Registration Fees


Solo Performers

12 and under: $22
13-17: $27
18+: $35

Small Ensembles

$27-$55, depending on age group and size

Large Ensembles

Choirs: $79
Elementary Bands: $79
Jazz Ensembles: $79
High School Bands: $96

Transaction fee*: 15%

The Saskatoon Music Festival Committee organizes events that span four weeks over the course of two months each spring. Running these events takes a lot of time and a lot of money. Our registration fees are calculated carefully - high enough that we are able to sustain a stable financial position, but not so high that they cause a barrier to entry. We haven't meaningfully raised our registration fees since 2013, and in fact we lowered the fees for small ensembles substantially in 2025 to create a more equitable experience for duets and trios. 

*The 15% transaction fee that is charged on all registration invoices helps us ensure that adjudicators are getting paid a fair compensation, that we can pay for our venues, that our coordinator gets paid, and that we are able to purchase office supplies. It's non-negotiable, because these expenses are non-negotiable! 

That being said, we believe that finances should never be the deciding factor in whether or not you're able to participate in the Saskatoon Music Festival. That's why we established bursary fund to help ease the load for those in need. For more information on our bursaries, and to submit an application, visit our Financial Aid page.